Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Seattle - Seafair Parade and visit to USS Port Royal

This weekend saw the Airshow as part of the Seattle Seafair. Videos are available in the site : http://www.seafair.com/weekend/airshow/. The start was boring but when the F-18's came, it was good. They were so fast that even when they reached the center show point, there was no sound (as it was trailing behind). So if one is not focused, then he can miss half of the show. That was followed by the thundering engine noise. Once it passed over our head at like 1500 feet (500 mts) and it was deafening. Saw in the news later that some windows in nearby house broke due to it.

Followed that, we had a visit to USS Port Royal. More about it in here. One of the last of its kinds, it had some big 5 inch guns, and house Tomahawak Cruise Missiles and had a stealth coating in it. It was a guided tour for 1 and half hours but was worth it. Built in 1994, it still had Windows 95 as OS for one of its radars :) - and we blame India for carrying legacy systems.