Sunday, July 23, 2023

Restoring Images Exif Data after upload to Google Photos

 Recently my Google free storage of 15GB is getting full so wished to get the photos back to my local system. Yes we can quickly download it but found that Google has wiped off of the Exif data, specially the dates.

So to restore it, luckily it still retained the file names like : IMG_20230508_110348.jpg

So quickly created the below script and it worked :)


for %%c in (*.jpg) do ( 

set a=%%~nc

set x=!a:~4,15!

set y=!x:~0,4!:!x:~4,2!:!x:~6,2! !x:~9,2!:!x:~11,2!:!x:~13,2!

echo !y!

"<exiv2_location>\exiv2" -k -M"set Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii !y!" %%c


Also it need a PowerShell script to update the created Date and Modified date:

$modifyfiles = Get-ChildItem -force *.jpg| Where-Object {! $_.PSIsContainer}

foreach($object in $modifyfiles)





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