Monday, October 20, 2008

Cams Bangalore

Bangalore has a big traffic problem. We had FM stations broadcasting information about it.
Now we have some web cams showing traffic at the major junctions at bangalore.

Its a nice initiative by BTIS and surely shows that Bangalore in leading the way in India for IT implementation.

The cameras can be accessed here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Picasa: Adding File Names to Caption - Update

In my earlier post on Picasa: Adding File Names to Caption, I got a request from Peter, who requested the script to be modified to:
"Do you know of a way to make it go through sub directories, or do I need to copy the script and program to each directory along the way."

This can be achieved easily by making the for loop recurse through directories so the new script will look like:

FOR /R %c in (*.jpg) DO exiv2 -k -M "set Iptc.Application2.Caption %~nc" "%c"

This would solve the directory recursion issue.

There is a second issue mentioned by mectas which can be easily solved by putting the exiv2.exe in the same folder where the pictures are or place it at c:\Windows which is by default added to your path.